All operations shall fully comply with national and local laws, rules and regulations relevant to our business operations. Including but not restricted to employment, the environment and health and safety.
- Forced Labour
CYCLEUROPE does not accept that bonded workers, prisoners or illegal workers.
Workers cannot be required to surrender their identity papers or pay “deposits” as a condition for employment. - Non-discrimination / Harassment or abuse
All employees shall be treated with respect and dignity.
Under no circumstances do Cycleurope accept that our suppliers or their subcontractors use corporal punishment or other forms disciplinary actions and verbal abuse of workers or engage in sexual harassment.
No discrimination on the basis of race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, or political affiliation. - Freedom of Association and collective bargaining
Protects the right of workers to form and join unions and bargain collectively, without fear of reprisals. - Regular Emploment & Wages
Wages & Working hours shall follow the country law. All workers should be entitled to an employment contract. - Child Labour
Child labor is under NO circumstances tolerated. Cycleurope follow the UN Convention on Children Rights. If a supplier does not accept or follow the requirements on child labor, we will not continue our cooperation with this supplier. - Health and Safety
CYCLEUROPE require from our suppliers, that the workers’ health & safety should always be a priority.
Cycleurope and our Suppliers shall aim for a progressive improvement in the environmental performance. This includes:
- Responsible use of natural resources
- Conflict materials and Cobalt should be purchased from responsible manufacturers and able be tracked
- Responsible use and disposal of hazardous chemicals
- Reducing, avoiding pollution and waste
- Developing products, materials according to sustainable principles
- If not existing, plan for sustainability into business decisions and practices
All Cycleurope approved subcontractors should follow these rules.